Thursday, June 16, 2011

Catching up...somewhat

Way to much has happened in the past few months to go back and blog about....and I just can't find that extra time to post very often! are the cliff Notes.

Avarey started spending one weekend a month in Arizona with her daddy. One four day weekend, Friday to Monday. It's hard....but I've grown somewhat used to "my" weekends. John and I haven't been together since right before Avy's first Birthday and I knew I would have to come to some sort of visitation agreement. It was a long stressful road, but I think we are all pleased with the arrangement we have for now.

Avy spent Thanksgiving with her daddy. This was extremely hard on me. When you have a child, you never expect to be alone on holidays (not that I was completely alone, I was with my family). But we got through it.

Christmas was magical!! It is so much fun to watch my little princess grow and learn. She still is not a major fan of Santa, but she is a fan of presents! lol What child isn't?

It's a new year, A FRESH START! Thank Goodness!! 2010 was a hard year on me and I'm ready for nothing but good things this year. Totally jumping ahead of myself, but so far so good!!

Avy Turned 2!! TWO!! seriously, 2!! I know every mommy uses the expression, "Where did the Time Go?" This is truly how I feel! No big party this year, I'm trying to do a Big party every other year. New things about my Avy:
  • She is just like my sister, Amanda. Extremely sassy.
  • Talks up a storm, I swear she is speaking Japanese sometimes.
  • No Bottles, we got rid of her bottle back in November.
  • Still loves her Paci, I know it's such a bad habit. She is only allowed to have it during naps and bedtime. I'm picking my battles carefully
  • is growing out of her Chubby stage, and it makes me sad. I miss those rolls.
  • still sucha great eater
  • Got food poisoning for the first time. It was awful. NEVER EAT AT CHUCKIE CHEESE, especially the one in Tustin.
  • Loves all the Disney Princesses! Jasmin is her Favorite...for now!
  • "side" She loves being outside. Rain or shine she loves the outdoors! She manages to convince every who walks in the house to go out"side"! lol
  • Is OBSESSED with Ranch and CHEESE. She will eat anything if there is Ranch somewhere on her plate.
  • Throws major tantrums. I swear she turned Two and my little Angel Child turned into a mischievous, sassy Toddler. Holy Moly does she test my Patience.
  • Mommy kisses still Fix everything!
  • Loves Animals!I'm pretty sure she's going to be a Veterinarian, if she's not a princess of course
  • Is a major Mommy's Girl! I Hope she is forever!!


27. I turned 27 this year. Not to thrilled about the number but I did have a great birthday this year! I went to Glen Ivy twice in one week! First the Sunday before my Birthday with my Bestest Friend and then again on my actual Birthday!! Glen Ivy is one of my most favorite places, I could lounge in those pools all day!


Easter! As much as Avy loves animals you would think she would be a major fan of the Easter Bunny...nope. Just like with Santa, I had to sit next to the Easter Bunny in order to get the traditional holiday picture!


This School year ended early!! Thank Goodness! TVUSD got out on the 27th this year! It's super exciting to have the next two whole months off, well at least from one of my jobs. I'm still at RJ's three nights a week.


We starting potty Training, finally! I waited until she showed interest! Boy did it pay off, One week down and she is doing awesome! My mom and I took Avy's crib down today! She now has a "BIG" girl room! She went to sleep tonight in her toddler bed, no fuss!! I'm thinking she was just exhausted with no nap today. It was to good to be true! We'll see how she does Monday night she she gets home from her dad's.

whew, how was that for catching up? I know I'm missing out on a ton of events, but this will have to due for now. Thank you to everyone who has stuck by me this past year and a half. It's been rough but I'm doing great! I'm happy, healthy, and I have a beautiful little girl who makes me smile every day!! Life is only as good as the memories we make, and that's what I'm trying to focus on...Making GREAT Memories!!

pictures coming soon...
