Above feet- Me, Danielle, Krystal

Oh how we LUV the River...
Labor Day weekend was the first weekend John and I had to ourselves since before Avarey was born. I'm not gonna lie...I had mixed feelings about leaving Av's but I knew she was in good hands with my parents! John and I had an amazing time...baby free. It was so nice to be a "little care-free" for a few days...even though I did call home (only 3 times a day). We got into town Friday night and headed to RoadRunner to catch up with everyone...it turned out to be a SUPER long night...a fun night...but looooong. Saturday the weather was a little overcast so we kinda hung around the house with everyone. We didn't get on the River till like 5. Sunday, The weather was PERFECT!!! It was hot...just the way I like it (at least when I'm on the River). WE hung out at the Lower Sandbar for most of the day, which was a nice change since we're usually at the upper one. Leroy dropped John and I off at Roadrunner around 7 ish...John narrowly slipped right off the dock...and I missed it ( I heard it was rather funny though). Anyways, After getting all of our stuff together we stopped off to get dinner. John loves Chinese food...and I mean would eat it everyday if he could...seriously. So WE went to "his" favorite Chinese food restaurant in Parker (to be honest it's probably the ONLY Chinese food restaurant in Parker). It was pretty good until I got a massive stomach ache. ugh. Not sure whether it was the food or if it was the fact that I hadn't put much into my stomach all weekend. Before heading out of town...we HAD to stop by John's parents to say hi. We finally got on Rice Road around 9 pm. It was late and we were pretty much falling asleep. WE got home around 12:30 ish and tried to be extra quiet so that Av would not wake up...she woke up around 2 am. Though she quickly went back to sleep (thank goodness). It was an eventful weekend and SUPER SUPER SUPER fun. Did I mention that Labor Day weekend in Parker is where John and I first met and started dating shortly after. Great Weekend with Friends we don't see as much as we would like and best of all we got quality time with each other.
As for Av's...she also had a ton of fun!!! My parents spoiled her rotten. New clothes, new toys...exactly what I expected my parents to do! Thank you Nana and Grandpa Petty...you are the best!
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