Anyways...Avarey and I had been cooped up in the house sick for almost a week and as soon as her fever broke we decided to get out of the house and head to the park for a change in scenery. Av actually had just broken out in the Roseola rash...not contagious. Anyways It was such a fun outing! If you don't know by now...I love to READ...now you do! I LOVE TO READ!!! I always have a new book. I was super excited when John decided to pick out a book for himself and even more excited that he REALLY got into it! John just finished reading SLASH, about the guitarist from Guns N' Roses! He enjoyed reading so much he just ordered a new book last night from Amazon. I finished another Jodi Picoult book...Nineteen Minutes! It's about a school shooting. Super good...I spent a lot of my free time (Av's nap time) reading! And than of course Av's is reading Guess How Much I Love You! Good times....
yeeeaaahhh for books! i'm learning to love books!! i'm gonna try to get into some good ones while i'm out here, it's just finding a place to buy them from!!