Halloween was soooo much fun. Avarey loved playing with the messy pumpkins. She might have tasted a little in the process! John and I love carving so We went to town and I believe our pumpkins turned out great! Of course John did his by hand and I just traced! I'm not the artist John is! He really is amazing! John and I took Avarey to a couple of houses on our street and she may not have gotten the whole trick or treating idea...she did get that she was outside at night. She Did amazing. She loved looking at all the other little kids! We dressed her up as pebbles. Of course I had to put tights and a long sleeve underneath her costume...but she still looked cute. I can't wait till next year when she understands a little more!!
Covey Dean Giddings Birth Story
9 years ago
she was a super cute pebbles!! And i'm happy you got onto updating, it's been a long time!