- She is 2'2 feet tall
- eats just about anything I give her with is either homemade or Gerber Organic!
- Her Fav is Sweet Potatoes and Bananas
- She is sleeping through the night (except recently this cold nonsense has thrown her off)
- She Loves standing and walking around the house ALL THE TIME
- Mr. Beep Beep has really come in handy (walker)
- Still loves her Paci...though I'm trying to not give it to her as much
- Rocking on her knee's but not crawling
- Still turns Bright RED when she coughs, Sneezes, is pooping or is mad!
- Learning how to wave BYE and Hi! Almost there! She is really trying...it's too cute!
- likes to share her paci with mommy and daddy and thinks it's the funniest thing
- Gets around by rolling...and I mean GETS around! She will be across the room in a heart beat!
- Loves little snacks...in her teether and loves little puffy's!
- Is now in a big girl car seat...still facing backward of course
- Loves to kiss herself in the mirror as demonstrated in the picture posted
- Loves to blow bubbles with her mouth
- Loves play dates with other babies..
- Loves Animals...and I mean L O V E S! Tyson the Doggy is her favorite
- Her hair in starting to grow and is getting more blonde by the second!
- Still has the most beautiful blue eye's
- Goes to bed between 7:30 -8 EVERY NIGHT!
- Rubs her eyes when sleepy
- Will put herself to be at nap time with just her paci
- Takes two naps a day 1st one around 11:30- 12 and second one in the late afternoon
- Wakes up between 7:30- 8 ish every morning!
- Is a little love bug and mommy's favoritist person in the whole wide world!!
the gown is wayyy to cute!!! Way to keep up with posting!! i looove seeing my baby growing!