Crazy how fast time goes by! I'm glad our daughter's will grow up together! And I hope they have the best road trips...just like we did (screaming/singing NSync and Britney as loud as we could)!

So funny! She is definitely not a fan of life vests!!!
John, Avarey and I headed out to Parker Friday! It was a last minute trip and it turned out to be sooo much fun! Saturday we got up early and headed out to Breakfast at Bluewater! After breakfast John decided to kill a little time by showing me ALL around Parker...his "stomping grounds" as he calls it! lol WE literally drove around for an hour and a half! It was cute how he was telling Av's and I stories about every inch of this town! Too cute! After our "little" tour we headed up River to Kyle's parents house to meet up with everyone and put the boat out on the water! Avarey loved the water...just like her mommy and daddy! Kyle and Erica were so great, always making sure Av's was ok! It was so nice to be out in Parker on the River with Erica! It's been too long! Let's not let it ever be that long again! WE hung out at the Sandbar, cruised up to the dam (yes Kyle and John I know it's the deepest dam...lol) and than floated while Av's was taking a little nap! We all had a late lunch at Roadrunner and than made our way back to John's parents house for family time! Av's had so much fun spending time with John's parents and her cousin's! Sunday was a lazy day! We had breakfast with the Jones's and than had a little more family time with Grandma and Grandpa Harris! The three of us took a nice nap and than headed home around 3pm. What a great weekend! Much needed! John and I loved taking Avarey out on the River and it couldn't have turned out any better! Av's didn't even get red! I did re-apply sunscreen a couple times...but what mommy doesn't?! WE love , love, love River Weekends and great friends!
cute! natalie is taking her first boat ride tomorrow, well see if she is as goood as avarey was