My momma and my tired looking baby at Auntie Manda's Last pep Rally!
My mom, well both of my parents have been amazing for me these last few months. I can't put into words how much I love you both. Thank you for helping and just being there for me in every way possible!

Yes! This picture cracks me up! This is my sister Amanda (Driver). She is trying to leave for Grad Night. I am behind her taking my time getting the
carseat out of her car.
Avy wanted to "play" with Manda too!
My amazing backbone! Of course we are missing Michael. He was there in spirit!


She graduated!!! So proud of my sissy!

Avy adores her Auntie DA!!

Powder Puff 2010

Amanda's last pep rally at

My Monkey Girl and my dresser that I re-furbished! It turned out great!! I'm super proud of myself!!

Sea World!!

I love her! She makes every day Special! I love you baby girl!

Yep this one is being framed!!! She is getting too BIG! 18 months TODAY! WE have our 18 month check up on Wed. I will be updating a complete post on her then!!