love Rainy Days and since I had the day off I wanted to make the most of this beautiful Rainy day! Av and I spent all morning in Pajama's watching Saved by the Bell and of course Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! Around 10
ish I got the urge to venture out in the rain and decided to take
my Princess to See A Disney princess @
the Movies! Yep...you read that right. I got Brave and took
Avarey to the Movies!! Of course we took Nana along for extra support! The movie was super cute and
Avarey did Amazing! I took her
around Nap time thinking...if she wasn't into the movie she'd sleep.
She was awake and watched the whole movie! My 11 month old was a superstar! She's going to love Disney Movies just like her momma!
Really though
Avarey did so good! The last 15 minutes she had to stand up and check out the lights in the aisle...otherwise it was a

So I had to take a picture of her sitting in her own chair at the movies!! Does that really surprise any of you?!

After the movie...we headed over to Red Robbin for some yummy lunch and then trudged through the crazy rain to the car! Of course she Fell asleep as soon as the car started rolling. She's still asleep now...which is how I'm getting a post done in the middle of the day!

My little Princess!
I'm so blessed. It's been the most amazing day! I love the Rain.