5 Month's
- Weight-17.8 lbs...(90 %) She's my little chunky monkey...and I LOVE IT!!
- Height-26" between (60%)
- Head Circumference- 40.5 (90%)
- She's sleeping through the night...
- Bed 8:00 and she wakes up around 7:30 am.
- Sometimes waking up around 3-4 am for a diaper change and 6 oz bottle than right back to bed!
- Eating Fruit...Bananas (her fav), Pears, Apples, peaches (once a day usually for breakfast)
- Veggies....Sweet Potatoes (her fav veggie), Squash, Sweet peas, Green Beans (once a day...after nap time)
- So she's eating solids twice a day and having 2-3 6 oz bottles.
- I've also introduced her to a sippy cup...she's still figuring it out but feels like such a big girl with it. It's too cute.
- She can sit up on her own...pretty much.
- Can roll over...though it doesn't happen very often.
- loves the Doggy...Tyson just cracks her up...it's so funny.
- plays peek a boo with mama and her Blankey
- Is starting to enjoy car rides a little more...thank goodness!!
John and I are so blessed to have this little Angel in our lives! It's so fun watching her grow and learn about the world around her!