John is an amazing Daddy! Both Avarey and John light up when they see each other! I am so blessed that I have him in my life! Last father's day John and I found out we were having a baby and it's been a whirlwind of a year...with both of us moving back to California from Arizona...and let me tell you I DO NOT miss that HEAT!! We've had a busy year! It's crazy how much has changed! Here are some pictures of Daddy's 1st Father's Day!
Car Show at Cal Oaks Sports park!
Av's and John resting after Breakfast! They both were so into some kiddie show on was too cute!
We ate yummy Carne Asada and chocolate covered strawberries with my Family! It was a beautiful day! WE look forward to many more Daddy Day's!
~Relay for Life~ In Memory of Jen's Mama, DaoDobyns
Saturday June 20, 2009 Nana and Av's
Baby E! He's getting so big!
Everette wants Avarey to play...
She's not so sure! Attitude face!
First time they've seen each other in a while! E was was interested and wanted Avarey'sbow...Av on the other hand just stared! lol
The "Rash" playing soccer! This kid rocks! he gets my sarcasm and can dish it right back! He's a keeper Jenny!
My chunky monkey! She's wearing a 3-6 month Gerber shirt...that didn't cover that chunky belly!
You can really see the chunker right here!
My other Bestie! Watching theOC Star Wars society show! It was hilarious....though I don't think it was supposed to be funny!
My mama, John and Av headed out to Fullerton Saturday to participate in the Relay for life event in memory of Jen's mama! WE had a great time. We did some walking, some eating, some talking, some board games, but most of all we supported my Best Friend Jen! Jen and T organized this walk in honor of their mama. WE all wore Team Yo mama shirts and took turns walking around the track. Good times with Amazing people!
Av's Favorite thing to do....swing outside in the patio swing! I thought I would share some pictures from our mommy and me photo shoot! These were taken just a few minutes ago! They were so cute I had to upload and share ASAP!! Enjoy
John and I took our 3 children (Avarey, Auntie Manda, and Aunt Jenny) out to Parker for Tube Float! John grew up in Parker so...little Miss Avarey got to visit her Grandpa and Grandma Harris while we were out there. All three of our "children" had never been out to Parker so it was quite an adventure!!
WE got to Parker around 10pm. Of course Av's had to wake up and visit with Grandma and Grandpa for a little. The little munchkin was exhausted though and after a 20 min. visit she fell right back to sleep! After Avarey was sound asleep...and I mean snoring, I packed up my other two "children" and headed out to Roadrunner! It was so great seeing all our river friends we haven't seen since...before I was pregnant! Of course I had to buy Jen a Roadrapper...(she was doing body shot's with Trav and Kyrstal by the end of the night)!! I'm such a great friend! John picked us up around 1:30 and we headed home with a quick pit stop for food! My predictable baby was still sound asleep and slept through the whole night!
John and I woke everyone up around 9 and headed up river to meet up with everyone and get on the boat! WE heart Leroy and Danelle for always making room for us whenever were out there! The first picture is just a little taste of the gazillion tube floaters that were out this year! It was a fun day...we got off the boat around 7 and headed straight to John's parents to see the baby! Until that day I had not been away from Av for that long...I missed her like crazy!
Sunday we took Av's to Roadrunner to have breakfast! It was such a beautiful morning and I got some great pic's of her and her daddy on the dock!
John was having a little moment overlooking the river with his little girl! It was super cute!
It turned out to be such a great weekend! Thanks to Auntie Manda and Aunt Jenny for coming out to Parker with us! WE can't wait till the next trip!
THE DREADED DOCTORThis Morning little Miss Avarey Jordan had a doctor's Apt. I'm not gonna lie...I was a nervous wreck! Her last appointment left both of us in tears. I hate immunizations. I hate seeing her cry. I dread Doctor days. Though I do really like her pediatrician!
So anyways, The first part of the appointment went great! My little Honey Bunny is a chunker! ~She Weighs...
14lbs and 10.9 oz~ 90 percentile for her age which is about 15 weeks!
~She's also...
24 inches long~50 percentile for her age!
Av's enjoyed the first half, she was all smiles for her doctor and her mama, until... The Nurse came in with her basket of shots! Yes I said that right. She had a basket of shots...I think my face went a little white. Av's had to get three shots and an oral medication. The oral part went fine, Avarey Jordan will put anything in her mouth...little chunker. Than the nurse went to town on my poor little Av's legs. Two shot's in one and One in the other. Tears flowed from her Big Blue eye's and a loud scream/cry came out of her precious mouth. I held it together. I had to be brave for Av....but let me tell you I wanted to cry right along with her!
Av's right after her shot's...poor thing turned bright RED!